Disguise Delimit: Alias 1x01 [Raw Notes]
So I figure, for those of you who don't watch Lost but do watch Alias, and, for some unfathomable reason, enjoy reading Television! You Black Emperor, I'll throw you a bone and offer up my raw notes whenever the mood strikes me (e.g. when I'm bored, sick of school, etc.). Two additional, more practical motives: typing them up will personally help me (a searchable database of notes; a chance to work out my notes to myself); and to offer YOU, JOHN OR JANE Q. INTERWEB DENIZEN, a glimpse into my tortuously overwrought thinking. A forewarning: I'm not going to put a whole lot of effort into this, so if it doesn't make sense, you can sit on a tack.
And yes, "Disguise Delimit" is indeed my working title.
Truth Be Told
S tortured, subjective shot expect to see Dentist, cut to classroom; fluidity of ID (same showed/Dent reveal) [Huh?? -Leee]
"You are schizophrenic." -Francie to S
J sez to Danny "How well do you know my daughter?"
white security room turns red
hiding ring/engagement from SD6: hidden life within hidden life (parallel plot spiraling/convolution)
S spills beans to Danny in shower -- naked
S whimpering in torture before commercial break, when return struggling
S: Sloane'd "rather none of us had a life outside"
1st mission cutting/alternating b/w mission and D talking about S's spy life; juxtaposition of domestic/spy
S "hears"/reacts as phone in Sl's office rings [Note to self: include times!]
suppression of subtitles during dialogue in other lang puts audience on outside, therefore S on inside; but also no dialogue speech [wha??]; reduce non-diegetic elements to compensate for general implausibility
BITEME -- reversal
lecture's theme parallels S's circumstances, narrative echoes S's circumstances -- S's life has effect on narrative/environment
S uses F to get out of trouble
revelation after revelation -- bottomless (i.e. convoluted plots)
get to watch S put on disguise -- she changes Amy's ID too-self-authored [to self-authored?] ID (e.g. drawing on mole)
parallel action: past-mission S gets KO'd; wake up in present
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