Hey all! Natalie, here. So I didn’t post my music recap of the results show from last week. This is due to the fact that Imeem is
Word of the day:
Tonight’s music selection was fantastic! You know that it’s a good night when there’s some Enya mixed in with Ray Charles and a song that Kris Allen sang on Idol. Big ups to the choreographers and music lady for giving us some different music to work with!
Onto the music recaps for the Top 18 Performance and Results shows…
Randi and Evan’s Jive choreographed by Louis Van Amstel
I love having Louis Van Amstel on this show. He not only brings fantastic choreography, but he also picks music that I love listening to!
Song: Shake a Tail Feather
Artist/Band: Ray Charles
Where you’ve heard the song before: Ray Charles performed this song in the movie The Blues Brothers and it was done by The Cheetah Girls for the Chicken Little soundtrack

Where you can buy the Blues Brothers album on Amazon or the single from the Broadway musical version of the Blue Brothers on iTunes:

Melissa and Ade’s Jazz routine by Sonya Tayeh
Oh hey there ballerina and Ade (something something something…)! Sonya is strange, bordering on creepy. Her music is always different, never predictable. She’s definitely opened up my musical tastes.
Side note: Cat is the cutest freakin’ thing EVER. “Three way!”
Song: 24 Hours (The Aston Shuffle A-Bomb Remix)
Artist/Band: Terry Poison
Where you’ve heard the song before: I’d imagine no where.
Buy the single on iTunes:

Caitlin and Jason’s Hip Hop routine choreographed by Shane Sparks
If you can count on Shane for anything, you can count on him to manipulate the music. The judges’ comments tonight are on point. These two didn’t dance together last week either. Two soloists.
Mini-observation: I think Shane has a Season 2 & 3 mindset. The choreography back then wasn’t as intricate and it seems that him missing Season 4, as far as partner dances go, was a hindrance. Both of his routines tonight were not up to snuff with the rest of the choreographers. I love his group routines, but somehow I don’t think I’ve ever really LOVED one of his partner routines. Maybe the Sabra/Dom Make It Work routine is an exception.
Song: Missin’ You
Artist/Band: Trey Songz
Where you’ve heard the song before: The song came out in 2008 on Trey Songz’s Trey Day album.
Buy the single on iTunes:

Janette and Brandon’s Disco routine choreographed by Doriana Sanchez
Ugh. Disco. Too fast Doriana. Way too fast for me. I felt like they couldn’t even complete half of their movements because they were thinking about what came 15 steps down the line.
Song: Loving is Really My Game
Artist/Band: Brainstorm
Where you’ve heard the song before: Let’s see, the only version of this song I could find, was a vinyl single from 1977. I’d say Doriana Sanchez has a storage container full of “lost” disco songs that are going to make their way into our “hearts” this season.
Buy the vinyl single from Amazon (Yes, I really linked to it):
Lovin' Is Really My Game/Stormin' Single - Brainstorm
Asuka and Vitolio’s Waltz choreographed by Louis Van Amstel
Lyrical waltz to add to lyrical hip hop. Lyrical everything. There is still a disconnect with Vitolio, even after that waltz.
As far as the music goes, I’ve been waiting for an Enya song on SYTYCD for years. We’ve had 2 this season already! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Louis Van Amstel. Enya can be a bit boring if you aren’t careful, but the choreography was magnificently paired with the song!
Song: Dreams are More Precious
Artist/Band: Enya
Where you’ve heard the song before: It’s from her most recent album And Winter Came….
Buy the single on iTunes:

Kayla and Max’s Pop Jazz routine choreographed by Brian Friedman
Hey there Brian Friedman. Miiiissed you! Can I just say that the music tonight is fantastic! Also, we did need a “couch routine” on this show.
Reminder to judges: Don’t pimp Kayla too much. Remember Will!
Song: Hot Like Wow
Artist/Band: Nadia Oh
Where you’ve heard the song before: This song doesn’t look like it’s been used anywhere before, but Nadia has made the rounds on television. Her songs were used on Gossip Girl and Ugly Betty.
Buy the single on iTunes):

Karla and Jonathan’s contemporary routine choreographed by Stacey Tookey
I’m glad they finally acknowledged that Karla is in the Boogie Bots. Is this song from Grey’s Anatomy? No, no, American Idol. Kris Allen. Got it now. From the movie Once.
So I have to say, this piece gets my vote for the night. This just proves to me that a piece of music can elevate the choreography. Another song may have detracted from their movement. When Karla walked away at the end and broke the 4th wall, I got Deeley chills.
Song: Falling Slowly
Artist/Band: The Frames
Where you’ve heard the song before: As mentioned above, Kris Allen sang the song this past season on Idol to rave reviews. It also appeared in the movie Once starring Glen Hansard and Markéta Irglová, who wrote and recorded this song on the film’s soundtrack. Before it appeared in Once, the song was on The Frames album The Cost. Glen Hansard is a member of The Frames.
Buy the single on iTunes:

Jeanine and Phillip’s Tango choreographed by Tony Meredith
Oh dear. The music was…weird and overpowering. Which didn’t give Jeanine and Phillip any room to mess up the choreography, which they did. That was tragic, at best.
Song: Violento
Artist/Band: Baliango!
Where you’ve heard the song before: This song doesn’t seem to exist anywhere. I’d like to request that Jeanine and Phillip get to do a different dance to a different song.
Ashley and Kupono’s Hip Hop routine choreographed by Shane Sparks
Add the Black Eyed Peas to the artists that SYTYCD loves. I thought the beginning shadow part went well with the music. Other than that, Ashley worked it and Kupono just made me love him for his OCD.
Song: Imma Be
Artist/Band: The Black Eyed Peas
Where you’ve heard the song before: It’s from their album The E.N.D..
Buy the single on iTunes:

Top 18 Results Show
Cat Deeley is looking fantastic! She makes me smile every single time she walks on the stage. If I were into that kind of thing, she’d definitely make my “five”.
I won’t bore you with ramblings.
Mia Michael’s Top 18 Group Routine
The big question on everyone’s minds: How did Brandon fair with Mia as a choreographer?
Song: Higher Ground
Artist/Band: Stevie Wonder
Where you’ve heard the song before: The Red Hot Chili Pepper’s version of the song was used in a dance sequence in the movie, Centerstage. Lenny Kravitz and Alicia Keys did a cover of it with Stevie at the MTV Music Awards. The Red Hot Chili Peppers did a cover of the song and Chris Daughtry sang it on American Idol.
Buy the single on iTunes:

Amrapali Ambegaokar’s Guest Dance Performance
I’m definitely not an expert on Bollywood dancing, but I appreciated it!
Song: Ganesh Toda Tatkar
Artist/Band: Guru Sundarlal Gangani & Smt. Anjani Ambegaokar
Where you’ve heard the song before: I would guess no where.
Caitlin’s Solo
Using this song again Caitlin? You’re going to need to get away from this song if you want any chance of being considered current and not old-school.
Song: Make You Feel My Love
Artist/Band: Adele
Where you’ve heard the song before: Caitlin did all of her solos to this song so far this season. This song has a long history. It was originally sung by Bob Dylan

Buy the single on iTunes:

Jason’s Solo
There’s a rawness to Jason’s dancing that I love. It makes it that much more powerful, I think.
Song: Superman
Artist/Band: Robin Thicke
Where you’ve heard the song before: I haven’t heard this song before. It’s off of Robin’s album The Evolution of Robin Thicke.
Buy the single on iTunes:

Ashley’s Solo
Nigel said it. There wasn’t much substance to her solo. It’s a shame because she was growing on me.
Song: By Your Side
Artist/Band: CocoRosie
Where you’ve heard the song before: It’s on their album La maison de mon rêve.
Buy the single on iTunes:

Kupono’s Solo
I love the way he moves. It’s almost mesmerizing.
Song: Many Moons
Artist/Band: Janelle Monae
Where you’ve heard the song before: You may have never heard of Many Moons, but you may know Janelle Monae. Janelle was the artist the contestants had to cater to on an episode of Diddy’s show I Wanna Work for Diddy. Or maybe I’m the only one that actually watched that show.
Buy the single on iTunes:

Kayla’s Solo
Run and leap and run and leap and run and leap and extension and roll on ground. And pose. I get that the song was “Walking on Air” but I don’t need her to constantly leap. We know that her legs go on for days. Nate’s description of her face was on point. Stank.
Song: Walking on Air
Artist/Band: Kerli
Where you’ve heard the song before: This music lady is pulling songs from all over the world. Kerli is an Estonian singer. Walking on Air’s music video was released in May of 2008 on MTV.
Buy the single on iTunes:

Max’s Solo
What a weird song choice Max. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t hate it. Especially since it reminded me that Chace Crawford and Julianne Hough are going to be in the remake soon. Do with that what you will.
Song: Footloose
Artist/Band: Kenny Loggins
Where you’ve heard the song before: Where haven’t you heard this song? More recently it was on an episode of Jon and Kate Plus 8 (the most awkward/saddest show on tv).
Buy the single on iTunes:

Kristinia DeBarge’s “Performance”
Holy lip-synching. It’s an insult to put her in the same category as OneRepublic. Or Katy Perry and Lady Gaga for that matter. One-hit wonder that shouldn’t even be considered her own hit since she stole the chorus. I’d put her in the same category as SYTYCD “performers”, the Pussycat Dolls. I do love me some PCD.
Song: Goodbye
Where you’ve heard the song before: The chorus samples/steals the chorus of Steam’s song Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye. The song’s all over the radio stations.
Buy the single on iTunes:

Ashley’s Goodbye Montage
Same montage song two weeks in a row? Way to switch it up from last season, SYTYCD. Always keeping me guessing.
Song: Already Gone
Artist/Band: Kelly Clarkson
Buy the single on iTunes:

Max’s Goodbye Montage
Wow judges. Wow. I had Max in my SYTYCD pool going to at least Top 10. That came out of left field, but then again, Kupono has a chance for more growth which is what the show prides itself on.
Song: On Your Own
Artist/Band: Green River Ordinance
Buy the single on iTunes:

Yay! One quibble -- I'm thinking of instituting a "No bashing the PCDs" rule. ^_^
I totally agree about Shane--he didn't give us his best in those routines.
Leee - Fine! The PCD are on my "No Bashing" List now. I had to get at least one jab this season. It just isn't right without it. ;)
I'm wondering what SYTYCD bloggers think of this idea that I had this afternoon right after hearing that Michael Jackson had died. Here goes. I think it would be so cool and a wonderful tribute to Michael Jackson if next week each couple danced to a Michael Jackson song, no matter the dance style drawn.
Lynette - I think that something next week would be a wonderful tribute to MJ. I know that Wade's life has been intertwined with Michael's so he may want to choreograph something. Who knows. I like the idea of all the couples dancing to a Michael Jackson song, though. We'll see if the "Powers-That-Be" will listen to the fans' call for an MJ tribute!
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