Thursday, August 11, 2011

SYTYCD Top 4 Results AKA OMG Winner Announced Open Thread

From how I imagine the demographics breaking down, I think that the competition is Melanie's to lose. (Obviously, I'm reducing the complexities of who votes for what into gross generalities, but it's useful for making points.) I doubt that she shares that many voters with Sasha, so the scenario where the two of them split enough votes for Marko to win seems fairly remote. The real question is how Marko and Sasha are going to finish (Tadd seems destined for fourth).

Now then, prove me wrong, Ameriker.


Leee said...

Note to self: if Mark/Tadd don't release any bromance pics in their fetish gear, well, time to bust my Photoshopping skills out.

Leee said...

Is it just me or is EVERYONE dancing at half speed?

Leee said...

aaargh I erased my notes for the performance show...

momo said...

I enjoyed the finale, and the order sorted out as I expected it. I would have been happy with any win, but this year, the dancer who won did not offend me, and my favorite (Sasha) was treated with respect by the producers who gave each of the finalists her "trip down memory lane" montage before they announced the winner. Cat did a great job of wrangling hordes of dancers, judges, and looked smashing in her red dress. She should wear bright colors more often.
Bromance pics, please!

biki said...

this is kind of unrelated to the finale, and it might be my first comment here, but around the time of the top 6 or top 8, I decided Caitlynn looked a lot like Heidi G. when she smiled. what do you think?