Friday, March 31, 2006

America's Next Top Model (Cycle 6) - 6x05 "The Girl Who Kissed A Male Model"

Cycle 6 is shaping up to be a very uneventful and unremarkable season, mostly because of a lack (thusfar) of compelling contestants (both on the side of good and the side of EVIL), and because it has been recycling mini-dramas from past cycles (the tiresome melodrama with Nnenna and her boyfriend parallels Shandi's situation from Cycle 2). Of course, the path of Cycle 6 could recover like it did in Cycle 4 with Tyra's Tiffany Tyrade, and so far (fortunately) we haven't had the two-headed Yaya/Eva diva that deep-sixed any hope of Cycle 3 being entertaining.

But hey, at least we've gotten our second Janice sighting.

One anti-Jade titbit: when Tyra was asking the girls about what they wanted to be when they grew up, it seemed like Jade totally butted in and talked all over another girl who was explaining her dream to Tyra I WANNA BE A KINDERGARTEN TEACHER. Who needs tricky reality tv editing when we've got Jade willing to trample others, because as you obviously know, time is money.

I'm not sad to see Gina go back to her homeworld:

(Speaking of homeworlds, what's up with all the girls from cities that have European names? Furonda's from Stuttgart, Arkansas, and pre-Eliminee Andrea from Geneva, Ohio.)

Indie rating: Solex - "Not a Hoot!"

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